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This gallery contains photos taken of, or from within, the Jemez (hay-mess) Mountains in Northern New Mexico. This includes Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos, Camp May, the Valles Caldera, Jemez Springs, Kahsa-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, White Rock Canyon, and the Pajarito Plateau.

If you would like to purchase a fine art print or color poster of any photograph in this gallery, please contact us and provide us with the image number, title, type of print or poster you would like, and the size. We will then send you a quote. Thanks!
Falls No. 3, East Fork BoxWhite CliffsJemezLightning MoonPast TentsHigh KivaApproaching StormTea KettleFalls TrailsJemez Falls IIRio Grande RainbowsDeep WithinWish The Sun To Stand StillEast Fork FallsIn Her White LaceJemez Springs CottonwoodDeep In The JemezPeralta TuffA Light In A Dark PlaceFalling Towards Autumn