I was blessed with a family who loved the outdoors and we found ourselves in the woods at every opportunity. Of particular influence to me were the summer vacations to National Parks and Monuments. I was awestruck standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon, my first view of the Rocky Mountains left me speechless, Zion made me giddy, Mesa Verde sparked my sense of wonder, and in the Smokies I could feel the very energy of life. And at each place, even as a little kid, I had a camera in hand. Though I have spent as much of my life as possible in the wilderness, I didn’t realize until fairly recently that the wilderness is life itself.
I knew I wanted a career that would provide me with the opportunity to work outdoors, so in college I studied geology. Besides, field trips gave me an excuse to go camping! Since those college days I have had a varied 20+ year career working in Geology, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Remediation, and Environmental Protection. Not as much outdoor work as I had initially hoped for but with ample opportunities to get out and explore and photograph.
I worked mainly with 35mm film for many years and eventually graduated to medium and large format photography. Around 2000, I started getting serious about sharing my photography and began to learn all I could about the “digital revolution.” Programs like Photoshop put me in control of the entire process of making beautiful images and digital cameras allowed for unlimited experimentation. I’ve never had any formal training in photography so that experimentation was critical to helping me sharpen my instincts and develop my skills. Today, using professional digital SLRs, mirrorless full frame digital cameras, state-of-the-art printers, and sophisticated software, I am finally able to produce photographs I am very proud of. I hope you enjoy them and that they inspire you to help protect our beautiful wild places.
I grew up in a rural setting where I would spend as much time as possible exploring the outdoors. It is rejuvenating to be in the wild and so my favorite hobbies are hiking and camping. It was my husband’s interest in photography and my interest in the outdoors that have sparked a desire in me to also become a photographer. I had only used point and shoot cameras up until 2002 when I received my first SLR. Now, Phillip and I will go off to different locations to capture artistic images and share our adventures.
Between the two of us, we have developed a diverse portfolio of images to share with you. I find my challenge in photography is learning and experiencing every aspect of photographing; not only the technical aspects but also the excitement of capturing a dramatic image. I am not content just going out to capture the well-known icons. I would rather look around for something unusual or different that will hopefully stir emotions in others.
When I am behind the lens looking out at the world, it is my goal to bring out hidden beauty for all to see. What might be viewed as an ordinary scene by many, can be transformed completely by focusing on composition and technique to bring out artistic qualities employing patience and care. To me, the challenge of photography is capturing with the camera what I see in my mind's eye. It is my hope that my photographs will be used to promote the preservation and conservation of wildlife and nature. The images that I share with you come from the heart.